Aug 30, 2018 | How-To & Education
The majority of stale beer flavours are formed by chemical reactions classified as “oxidation.” As its name suggests, oxygen can be involved, although other chemicals can act as oxidizers. (Geek fact: elements and compounds that take electrons from others are called...
Aug 22, 2018 | How-To & Education
MANY home brewers leap into beer – making with pints of enthusiasm, progressing from ‘kit and kilo’ (a can plus a bag of sugar) to ‘kits and bits’ (specialty grain and hops). They soon get a feel for the ingredients available but generally don’t develop an...
Aug 3, 2018 | Uncategorized
It’s August! And we’ve been working on some very special fresh worts to help usher us into the coming months. It’s time to start thinking about what beers we want to put down as we come into the warmer months. While at the moment, it may seem a...